IOEKTA | Creative Unity

Two brothers from Ukraine launch a fintech startup in Australia

The Australian startup accelerator program Muru-D has selected a Ukrainian fintech project Persollo in top ten startups out of 171 applications.

Muru-D will receive a 4 percent stake in the company in exchange for $40,000 in seed-stage funding.

Persollo is a sort of a family business launched in 2015 by two brothers from Ukraine – Prisiazhnuk, Yaroslav and Stas. Earlier, after attending the online acceleration program they received $5,000 from Incubate, another Australian accelerator, to create their prototype.

Since August last year 120 sellers have joined the project and $10,000 transactions were performed per week. Presently, the team is in talks with major Australian banks about the implementation of their advanced technology.